Chloe's recovery journey

Chloe is making me so proud with how well she is recovering from this monster surgery. I bet shes doing better than I would ha ha. I just want to document her progress so one day when shes older and about to go through another surgery, I can show her this blog and she will know that even from the start, she was a strong little lady! I will never have the words to explain all of the emotions we are going through as a family on this heart journey.  Its scary, amazing, strong, emotional, and more.

  Day 1:
Chloe was able to be exubated right after surgery. She was awake but drifting off a lot. Very sedated from narcotics and the anesthesia still in her system. She was not fed at all today as eating too soon can cause problems. She would probably try to throw up which can be dangerous with her being on the vent and so sedated. I don't think she knows who we are or whats going on at all. The important thing is she successfully made it through open heart surgery again and is comfortable. She does have a fever so was given antibiotics. perfect timing, right? She will be very very closely monitored. 

  Day 2:
Today isn't much different from yesterday. She is on a narcotics still for pain so very out of it. Still not being fed today which is a major source of her discomfort but she needs to be off the vent in order to be fed. Shes too sedated to breathe on her own which is why she is still on the vent but with her being so hungry and having just had surgery, shes too uncomfortable without the sedation. Its a vicious cycle. She cant just "deal with it" because her being so upset is raising her blood pressure and heart rate too much. Her fever is gone which is good.

  Day 3:
She's finally being fed little by little! This should help out a lot because she wont need to be on as many pain meds. Chloe is now on a high flow nasal cannula instead of the vent. Shes still either fussy or sleepy though. We miss her smile and personality but the fact that she is thriving is what is important. Her fever is still gone and we don't think it will come back thanks to the antibiotics. 

  Day 4:
Chloe is throwing up a lot today so we are slowing down on her feeds. It is most likely due to narcotics and anesthesia which slows down motility. She has been constipated since surgery so she is most likely backed up. Hoping a suppository will help and get motility moving. She isn't so out of if because her last narcotic was at 4 am. Shes more aware but fussy. No more supplemental oxygen!

  Day 5:
Today is a much better day! she smiled a few times, isn't throwing up and finally had a stool so her motility is back on track! Shes fine as long as nobody touches her. The chest tubes are still in so that is causing discomfort. she is playing with toys and loving when we read to her. I am really missing holding my baby.

  Day 6:
Chest tubes are out! She smiled even more today and giggled a couple times. She also blew raspberries and is grabbing her feet. Chloe is almost back to her normal self and I think the narcotics are out of her system now plus the chest tubes being out probably feel better. Shes playful and her feeds are at the full rate which she is at at home,

  Day 7:
Chloe is doing amazing. We get to go home tomorrow! We probably were safe to come home sooner but because of her past, doctors wanted to keep an eye on her for a bit longer. That is perfectly fine with us. I held Chloe today and it was great. Shes so giggly and playful. Did this girl really have surgery a week ago??


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