How does a G tube work? A few people have asked me how the feeding tube works. How is it different from feeding a baby orally? Is it scary? Is it hard to do? Well it was a lot of steps to learn, very important steps that we cannot forget. But truthfully, once you operate a feeding tube a few times, it becomes second nature. Ill show you what exactly a G tube is and a feeding pump. There are many different types of feeding tubes (NG, NJ, GJ, J, G, ETC) and different types of pumps (kangaroo, infinity, etc). Chloe has a Mic-key G tube with an infinity teal pump. She is on continuous feeds and not gravity feeds. So as you can see in the diagram, the balloon is inside of the stomach. The balloon is inflated with about 5 mls of water and that keeps the g tube in place. The tube goes from inside the stomach to the outside. On the outside of the tummy, you can see the button and her tube which connects to the button. The button consists of the balloon...