SYNAGIS Yesterday, Chloe got her second round of SYNAGIS shots. Synagis gives high-risk babies the infection-fighting antibodies they lack, helping protect their vulnerable lungs from RSV. Chloe qualifies because of her heart condition. Chloe has to get these shots every month during RSV season until she's 2 years old. Chloe has gotten 3 colds this RSV/Flu season, each cold landing her in the hospital. We've limited visitations, been extra hygienic and been the helicopter parents who stops strangers from touching her at all. Its not that we are scared of dirt and germs but we are trying our best to protect our babies fragile immune system from the things that could land her back at the hospital. I am so thankful that she qualifies for this synagis shots because RSV could actually do a lot worse than give her a hospital stay. It could kill her. Please do your part this season and wash your hands, don't touch strangers babies and cough into your elbow, etc...