Feeding Chloe As you know, Chloe is primarily tube-fed. We do feed her by mouth after her hours off the tube, so twice a day for now . Chloe's goal set by her feeding therapist is currently for her to eat 15 MLs of baby food and 5 MLs of milk per feeding session. She enjoys baby food more than the milk. Actually she does not understand that she has to suck the bottle, instead she bites it or just plays with it. The way things are, I am not totally confident that she will ever take a bottle enough to get off the tube feeds any time soon. As long as she is at least progressing further with the baby food we are happy because by the time she is able to eat enough by mouth to sustain herself and not need the tube, she will probably be too old for a bottle anyways. Today, Chloe really surprised us! Not only did she meet her goal for the baby food, she ate way more than she ever ate. She actually ate an entire jar of baby food!! Yay Chloe!! I think the reason she ate so much this ti...